
To calculate the payment on a lease is easier: RLCRC launched an online calculator

On the website of the Regional leasing company of the Republic of Crimea, you can make a preliminary calculation of the monthly lease payment. This feature will help a businessperson save not only time, but also plan a budget.

The regional leasing company of the Republic of Crimea has been operating on the Peninsula since the beginning of 2020.

The preferential leasing program provides financing for up to five years in the amount of 1 to 120 million rubles at a rate of 6% per annum for domestic equipment and 8% per annum for imported equipment. The initial payment is from 10%, the lease term is up to 60 months.
Leasing is available to SMEs for the purchase of industrial and agricultural, medical, a highly technical process, health-resort complex and other equipment, as well as transport and special equipment.

For more information about available programs, please call: +7 (978) 908-16-91; @mail: can use the leasing calculator at the following link: