
The CEO of the Crimea Development Corporation: Crimea is becoming more attractive to investors

The Republic of Crimea is becoming more attractive to investors, the evidence for that is up-to-tenfold increase investment of a previous year compared to 2020. The Chief Executive Officer of the Crimea Development Corporation, Dmitrii Vorona reported about that in the interview of the «Krymskaya Pravda», which was published on Wednesday, January 26. 

"Crimea offers a large land area to investors for a large scale building and integrated development. We also offer a quite considerate support from government body. Plus, the positive changes in a banking sector of the republic which allow lending to quite ambitious projects and provide an opportunity to obtain additional liquidity, certainly contribute to the increase of the region’s attractiveness," he said.

The CEO also noted that the due to the pandemic and closure of borders, the
peninsula has become more interesting for  Russian citizens, the demand for domestic tourism has increased, which allowed many people to see Crimea and think that abroad is good, but ours is better.

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