
In Simferopol, the investor implemented a project for the construction of a multifunctional automobile complex

In Simferopol, the investor «Tavrida Service» LLC implemented a project for the construction of a multifunctional automobile complex.

As part of the field inspection, the staff of the Development Corporation of the Republic of Crimea visited the site of a functioning car complex. In accordance with the calendar plan, the investor signed a land lease agreement, completed construction and installation work, and registered ownership of the object.The complex includes car washes, tire service and other services for motorists.The amount of investments in the project was 10 million rubles.

In addition, the investor is currently implementing another project in Simferopol − the construction of a three-story sports and development center. The project is supported by the Development Corporation of the Republic of Crimea under the leadership of the Ministry of economic development of the Republic of Crimea.

The investor has signed a land lease agreement and received an urban development plan.
Currently, the design and estimate documentation is being developed.Note that the future center will include: a parking, a modern gym and a children's educational and developmental center.
The planned amount of investments in the project is 20 million rubles.