
The agreements on the restoration of traditions of the imperial resort near Lake Moynaki will be signed in Crimea

November 12, 2021, two agreements on the integrated development of the territory near Lake Moynaki in Yevpatoria will be signed. The CEO of the Crimea Development Corporation, Dmitriy Vorona reported about that.

"The agreements provide for the construction of tourist and housing, recreational complexes with an extensive infrastructure and a well-equipped embankment around Lake Moynaki.
The total amount of investment is a record in the current year and will amount to about RUB 35 billion of which capital investment more than RUB 27.6 billion. It will be a comprehensive solution of the task for the restoration of traditions of the imperial institution for mud cures in Yevpatoria," the CEO noted.

He explained that in the framework of the investment projects implementation, a comfortable infrastructure will be created near Lake Moynaki both for short-term and permanent residence, recreation, treatment and rehabilitation.

"There are a lot of medical indications, when it’s better for people to take course of treatment and rehabilitation constantly. That’s why the priority for that is particularly recreational infrastructure, because such institution for mud cures and scale should be adapted for all year round rehabilitation of people," D. Vorona stressed.

"According to him, the Head of the Republic of Crimea Sergey Aksyonov and the company managers LLC "Slavyansky dom" and "Simferopol Development Company" will sign the agreements on the cooperation of the integrated development of the territory near Lake Moynaki in Yevpatoria."

The CEO of the Crimea Development Corporation noted that the singing of the agreements was planned in the frameworks of the Yalta International Economic Forum. "Though the forum is reschedule because of difficult epidemiologic situation connected with the increase in the incidence of the coronavirus infection all across the country, but the work for the attraction of investment does not stop. The agreements are being signed, the investors are beginning to implement them," D. Vorona reported.

2021-11-11 14:00