
South Ossetia businessmen will discuss partnership cooperation with Crimean entrepreneurs

At the end of October, South Ossetia businessmen will visit Crimea to discuss partnership cooperation with the region's entrepreneurs. On it informs INPO «Southern Regional Export Support Center», which is the organizer of the business mission.

As it was informed in the Center, the visit of representatives of the business community of the Republic of South Ossetia is of particular importance not only in the development of the export potential of the Republic of Crimea, but also in the context of the implementation of the agreement between the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Crimea and the Government of the Republic of South Ossetia on trade, economic, scientific, technical and cultural cooperation.

Crimean entrepreneurs can take part in a reverse business mission.
Coordinator – Ksenia Yakovlevna Slutskaya, Deputy Director of the Center,
Telephone number: + 7 978 823 39 97,

2020-10-09 17:28