•The area is 2667 sq. km;
•Distance from the capital of the Republic of Crimea is 98 km;
•Population is 65 thousand people
The composition of the municipal formation consists of 2 towns, 111 villages, which are combined into 28 rural settlements.
Industry specialization of the region is agriculture.
•Druzhba Narodov Nova» JSC − poultry production;
•«Yuzhnaya» LLC – growing of cereals and technical crops;
• «Boris-Agro» LLC – growing of cereals and technical crops;
•Peasant farm economy «Mahotka» −growing of peaches, table grape varieties;
•«Azovchane» LLC − production of meat and sausage products, bakery products, frozen meat semi-finished products.
There are 57 cultural heritage sites on the territory of Dzhankoy district, including 53 historical monuments (memorials, mass graves) dedicated to the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945.
The district has registered archaeological monuments: 108 barrows of the Bronze age, Scythian period and the Middle ages.There is a local history museum. There are expositions of archeology and ethnography of Tsarist Times, war years, military operations and the Soviet Union.
•The length of roads of regional significance (km) − 114,25;
•The Length of inter-municipal roads (km) – 463,5;
•The Length of municipal highways (km) – 622,3;
Railway connection:
There are two railway lines: Salt Lake – Dzhankoy – Simferopol – Sevastopol,
Dzhankoy – Feodosia − Kerch.
The municipality has an investment potential and offers a number of platforms for implementing your project. More information you can find on invest-in-crimea.ru and our specialists of Crimea Development Corporation will always glad to help you.