With the support of the Ministry of Economic development of the Republic of Crimea, a business camp will be held for small and medium-sized businesses.
Within three days, entrepreneurs will have a rigorous programme, including seminars, round tables, acquaintances and mentoring sessions.
The events will cover the topics of effective sales, marketing, personal effectiveness, management automation and reducing financial risks.
The main goals and objectives of the series of educational events are to increase the level of managerial competencies and entrepreneurs skills of the Crimea, the formation of business growth points on the territory of the peninsula, as well as a plan for interaction with authorities.
As part of the events, it will be discussed successful business practices, case studies and their implementation in the territory of the peninsula.
The business camp will be held in the village of Olenevka, Tarkhankut on the site «Extreme Crimea» from 9th to 11th July, from 9.00 to 18.30. Participation in the series of educational events is free of charge and only for small and medium-sized businesses. The organizers of the event are the Ministry of Economic development of the Republic of Crimea and Crimea Entrepreneurship Support Fund.
You can register following the link: – lk.frbk.ru (Please, choose to participate in the «BUSINESS CAMP»). − https://clck.ru/PQ8FT.