
Eco-products: an investment project in the agricultural sector is being implemented in Belogorsky district

Belogorsky district is implementing an investment project for the development of an agro-industrial enterprise on the basis of a former state farm «Podgorye» plant.

In the spring of this year, the investor laid 8 hectares of apple orchard and 2 hectares of plum. Apple varieties: Golden Delicious, Granny Smith, Aydared, plum − Stanley.

According to Ivan Pomogaev, the Deputy Director of «Menhir» LLC, the idea of the investment project is to obtain products with minimal use and if possible complete absence of chemical treatment.

By the end of the year, the investor will sum up the interim results: how did seedlings take root and develop when using only biological preparations and

it will indicate the tasks for further development. It is noteworthy that the seedlings were purchased and brought from Serbia.

According to Ivan Pomogaev, in parallel with 10 hectares of garden planted 100 thousand seedlings in the school, in the autumn the company plans to lay another 40 hectares of garden.

The plans include the cultivation of essential oil crops, the creation of a nursery for berry crops, as well as dairy farming with cheese production and irrigation vegetable growing.

Crimea Development Corporation of the Republic of Crimea supports the investment project; the total investment is about 270 million rubles.
2020-04-15 17:00