Crimea is a territory of development. Sovietskiy district.
Sovietskiy district of the Republic of Crimea is located in Prisivashye, in the Eastern part of the Crimean Peninsula. In the Northeast, the district border runs along the coast of lake Siwash. The district borders Kirovsky in the Southeast, Belogorsky district in the South-West, and Nizhnegorsky district in the Northwest.
The district includes 38 localities: Sovietskiy urban-type settlement and 37 villages. Area − 1080 sq. km Distance from the capital of the Republic of Crimea Simferopol – 105 km. Population − 31.4 thousand people.
Industry specialization of the region: industry, agriculture.
Industry: The most developed areas of the district's food industry are: •production of bread and bakery products – peasant farm economy •«Desna», IE Vedutova; •production of ready-made and canned meat and poultry products − IE Cherepanov; •production of herbal tea and water syrup of stevia − «Stevia» LLC; •processing of oilseeds (sunflower oil) − IE Getalenko.
Agriculture: Agriculture is the main branch of the economy of Sovietskiy district, which meets the needs of the population in basic food products, provides industry with raw materials, stabilizes the social sphere of the district, contributes to the development of business structures and creates jobs. The region has the most developed production of grain crops.
Transport: •Length of regional highways − 36.6 (km) • Length of inter-municipal roads − 229.0 (km) • Length of municipal highways − 261.92 (km) • Railway connection − 21.5 km.
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