
The International Award #МЫВМЕСТЕ has started in Russia

Since May 18, Russia has launched the International #МЫВМЕСТЕ, which is aimed at supporting social initiatives to help people and improve the quality of life. The winners will receive grants of up to RUB 2.5 million, participate in educational programs and promote their projects. Citizens over 14 years of age and organizations can participate. Applications are accepted on the Award website https://премия.мывместе.рф/ 

The international award #МЫВМЕСТЕ is dedicated to achieving the national development goals of Russia up to 2030. It consists of four tracks: "Volunteers and NKOs", "Business", "Media" and the international "We are together", registration for which is open at until July. To participate, you need to apply for at least one track.
The maximum number of requests from a participant is four: one for each track.

You can learn more about the International Award #МЫВМЕСТЕ on its website-The Award. We are together.RF.