
Dmitry Vorona and Dmitry Sheryako participate in the XII International Economic Summit

The XII International Economic Summit has started in Tatarstan. Representatives of business, government, public, mass media, delegates from a dozen countries arrived in Kazan.

On behalf of the Republic of Crimea, the Ministry of Economic Development of the Republic of Crimea and the Chief Executive Officer of the Crimea Development Corporation Dmitry Vorona are participating in the summit.

KazanSummit is a traditional platform for economic cooperation between the Russian Federation and the countries of the Islamic world.

Thus, the last KazanSummit-2019 brought together 3,500 delegates from 72 countries of the world and 38 regions of Russia. Within the framework of the Summit, the international exhibition Russia Halal Expo was held, which was attended by 103 exhibitors from 13 regions of Russia and 8 countries, as well as the All-Russian Forum and the exhibition exposition of industrial parks.
This year, the main topic of the Summit was conscious consumption, among the key topics of the business program: partnership finance, youth diplomacy, medicine, sports, creative industries, export development, entrepreneurship and investment.

During the two-day Summit, the Crimean delegation plans to present the investment potential of the region to the participants, as well as get acquainted with the successful experience of other regions and countries in the development of industrial, tourism and other projects.

2021-07-28 15:00