
"We hope for the best": Crimean business in conditions of coronavirus

Due to the spread of coronavirus, infection in Crimea all state customers, construction sites and private companies temporarily stopped working until April 6.Construction and installation work and production of construction materials are also prohibited. An exception was made for healthcare facilities and the construction of the Federal highway "Tavrida".

Our investor «Krymmontazhstroy» LLC, told us what do they think about the new order and how do they treat the quarantine by themselves?The company has already implemented an investment project for the reconstruction of Primorsky beach.Specialists of the Corporation support the project and the volume of its investment amounted 281 million rubles.

Currently, the embankment has already made and the company has plans for many other projects, the implementation of which has become impossible so far.

However, the representatives of the company understand that in the current conditions, the priority task is not to fulfill the plan, but to stop the spread of the coronavirus, even by such methods as temporary suspension of work.

"We are not a strategic enterprise or one that ensures the life of the city. Therefore, we do not work, as well as most enterprises of the Republic.

«Krymmontazhstroy» is engaged in development, implementing investment projects, in the future, hoping to realize another idea. Based on today's realities, it is difficult to predict how everything will turn out, but we hope for the best," lawyer Svetlana Romanova commented on the current situation at the enterprise.

According to the lawyer’s opinion, any company whose activities are related to the creation of any real estate objects cannot allow remote work of employees. Therefore, it remains to temporarily suspend the project and wait.

Crimea Development Corporation of the Republic of Crimea reminds that mutual responsibility, strict compliance with quarantine measures and recommendations of doctors are our main protection against coronavirus infection. The faster we defeat the virus, the faster we will get back to work!

#businessquarantine #Republic of Crimea

2020-04-02 10:00