At the meeting of the Council for improving the investment climate in the Republic of Crimea, it was approved a project on the creation of a high-tech infrastructure for the industrial cultivation of hydrobionts in the Republic of Crimea. The project provides for the creation of infrastructure for the development of marine and aquaculture in the Republic of Crimea. It includes the following main business modules: an enterprise consisting of a farm specializing in the industrial cultivation of trout, oysters and mussels, including specialized watercraft for collecting and delivering raw materials to the coastal enterprise, logistics infrastructure for the collection, accumulation, storage, distribution of fresh and processed fish products and shellfish.
The initiative is planned to be implemented in the village of Olenevka in Chernomorsky region. The volume of declared investments is 371.6 million rubles. The project will create more than 150 jobs. Taxes will be expected to pay in budgets of all levels will exceed 62 million rubles.
To date, 7 enterprises in the territory of the Republic of Crimea are engaged in growing mussels and oysters. There are two investment projects in this direction in the Republic within the framework of the CM Resolution No. 368.
"Alliance-NTI" LLC is implementing a project to create "Research and production complex for the cultivation and processing of marine hydrobionts."
The amount of declared investments is 36.1 million rubles, of which about 21 million rubles have already been invested in projects.
"Sudak Akvamir" LLC with the project "Organization of a mussel and oyster farm and implementation of aquaculture of valuable fish species, within the boundaries of the fish-breeding area of "Sudak-Akvamir" LLC, in Sudak Bay" it has a volume of declared investments of 41,2 million rubles. More than 7.2 million rubles out of them have already been invested.
According to the Ministry of agriculture of the Republic of Crimea, the production volume of mussels and oysters in the territory of the Republic of Crimea in 2018 − 1,138 tons, in 2019 − 1,424 tons.