
Entrepreneurs are invited to participate in «Business polygon 05:00»

A series of educational events for business «Business polygon 05:00» will be held online.

Experts at the Federal and regional levels, as well as representatives of the most successful Crimean businesses, are invited to «Business polygon 05:00». Participants will attend master classes, seminars, round tables, and «Battle of bloggers».

The main goals and objectives of educational events are to increase the level of managerial competencies and skills of Crimean entrepreneurs and business development on the territory of the peninsula. The events will identify successful business practices, working cases, as well as their implementation on the territory of the peninsula.

In addition, each entrepreneur will have the opportunity to find new partners, clients, discover new business development opportunities, and get personal advice from the country's leading experts.

The organizers are the Ministry of Economic development of the Republic of Crimea and the Crimean Entrepreneurship Support Fund.
The event will be held online on September 11 from 9: 00 to 17: 00.
– in the personal account of AIS "Small business":;
– Telephone number:
8 (800) 500-38-59.