·Area − 107.6 km2
·Distance from the city of Simferopol – 210 km
·Population − 151 thousand people
The region's industry specialization is industry, transport, health resorts, and tourism.
Industry in the city is represented by shipbuilding, ship repair, and metalworking enterprises.
·JSC "Kerch metallurgical plant" − produces switches and spare parts for them for main and industrial railway tracks, urban and underground transport tracks, shoe spreaders and electric switch sets.
·The food industry is represented by Kerch bakery a branch of JSC «Krymkhleb»;
·confectionery bakery «Lakomka»;
·JSC «CJSC Krym» enterprises of the bread and confectionery industries.
Fishing and fishing industry in Kerch are represented by the following enterprises:
· «Proliv» LLC – processing and preserving of fish;
Production and commercial fishing enterprise «Belaya Rus» LLC – fishing, processing and preserving of fish and seafood, growing of grain and leguminous crops;
· «Gala-Seafood» LLC – services for processing and freezing fish, storage of frozen fish, production of food ice;
· «Vo Sto krat» − fish processing and canning;
· «Zvezda Rybaka Kerch city» − fish processing, production of preserves;
· «Krcholod» – fish processing and storage of food;
· PC «Fishing collective farm named after 1 May»;
· «Kerch fishing company» LLC – fishing, freezing and storage of fish.
The resort, recreational sphere and tourism:
The region has opportunities for the development of bathing and beach recreation and health tourism, due to beach areas located along the coastline of the city, as well as close proximity to one of the most healing mineral composition of the Crimean lakes – Chokrak, mud and brine which is actively used for health purposes.
The city district has a developed network of health resorts. The largest enterprises of the sanatorium-resort sphere include: recreation center «Two seas»; recreation center «Bay»; boarding house «Eltigen»; sanatorium «Moscow-Crimea»; hotel «Meridian»;
sanatorium «Bay»; recreation center «Sunny beach».
· The city has a history of over 2,600 years. Kerch is included in the UNESCO silk road international programme.
· There are 93 cultural heritage monuments on the territory of the district:
archaeological sites − 23
· historical monuments − 54
·17 architectural monuments ( 6 of them of national significance).
Transport infrastructure is represented by FSUE RC «KMP «Kerch commercial port», FSUE RC «KMP «Kerch fishing port», FSUE RC «KMP «Kerch ferry», LLC «Tis-Crimea» as well as railway and automobile communication. FSUE RC «Rosmorport» provides additional services to shipowners and agency companies to ensure the safety of navigation in the waters of seaports and on approaches to them.
· Length of municipal highways (km) − 324.9
· Railway connection (km) − 117.3
The municipality has investment potential and offers a number of sites for the implementation of your project invest-in-crimea.ru